Renato Almeida, FBM: “The roadmap for the short-term future is intense and full of novelties”

Renato Almeida, FBM: “The roadmap for the short-term future is intense and full of novelties”

Renato Almeida, director at FBM, spoke to Focus Gaming News about the company’s expansion into the US market.

Exclusive interview.- FBM® has recently entered the US market, which represents a historic moment for the company.

Renato Almeida, the company’s director, spoke exclusively to Focus Gaming News about what this milestone means for FBM® and said that the company is “ready to bring exceptional gaming experiences to American players”. 

What does the expansion to USA mean to FBM®?

This is an historical moment for FBM®. We achieved one of our milestones for 2023 and executed the strategic plan perfectly. By entering the USA market, FBM® can tap into a vast customer base, strengthen its global presence, and affirm itself as a key player in the American gaming industry.

Our team invested several hours in making this happen, and it is fantastic to observe that the feedback collected during these first weeks is very positive. Players are engaging with Rainbow Falls® and Catch the Gold® on the casino floor, and the numbers show us an exciting opportunity for growth. 

We can affirm that these two products are fulfilling FBM®’s mission of adding value to the casino operator while providing memorable entertainment sessions to its players.

FBM® joined the market with a pack of selected games. What can we expect for the next months?

The roadmap for the short-term future is intense and full of novelties. Following the debut of Catch the Gold® and Rainbow Falls®, USA operators can expect FBM® to continue expanding its gaming portfolio and footprint on casino floors in the upcoming months.  

Besides the launch of a wider range of innovative and engaging slot products tailored to suit the American players’ preferences, we are about to expand FBM®’s geographic influence in the country by covering a new state. This expansion move we will soon announce combines the casino floor expansion with the addition of one more US stop on FBM®’s international tradeshow calendar programmed for 2023.

With a solid commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, FBM® will, for sure, start the last quarter of the year with a strong display in G2E Las Vegas. Once again, we will strike this event with a robust showcase by presenting a diverse offer of gaming experiences, ready to attract and delight American players.

“USA operators can expect FBM® to continue expanding its gaming portfolio and footprint on casino floors in the upcoming months.”

Renato Almeida, director at FBM.

How was the journey to achieve this strategic goal for the company?

The journey to achieve this strategic goal for FBM® was very demanding. FBM®’s board had the US market as a target for several years, and after the pandemic, we felt that was the right moment to embrace this tremendous challenge.

The US is one of the most competitive and mature markets in the global casino landscape. So, to join this environment defined by the most relevant players in the industry, we did careful planning, defined a solid strategy based on intensive market research and prepared a meticulous execution.

From the extensive product development process to the effort invested in nurturing partnerships with key stakeholders of the US casino industry, the whole team worked really hard to make this FBM® wish come true. 

Our annual attendance at G2E Las Vegas contributed decisively to the process. Over the years, this platform allowed us to understand the US market, its specificities, language, and needs, building a solid network with local operators.

By the end of the 2022 edition, we knew that we were ready. We had the strategy perfectly aligned and all the resources to ensure a successful entry into the market. Now, we are delighted to open this door through Florida and Hialeah Casino Park. We are full of energy and ambition to spread our games and make the American players feel the entertaining power of our enthusiastic slots. 

What is the impact of this market opening for the Group ambitions and operations?

The market opening in the USA is a shining chapter in FBM®’s history as a Group, acting as a great boost for our ambitions. It presents growth opportunities and confirms, once again, our credentials as a reference in the global casino industry.

The US is a unique market that gathers different player profiles allowing FBM® to diversify its revenue streams and expand its customer base. This move materializes FBM® Group’s ambitious goal of establishing operations in new geographies that combine growth potential with a constant will to integrate innovative and top-notch games. 

We know that we have a tough challenge ahead. This market is very attractive and full of great competitors. We acknowledge this fact, respect it, but trust in our hard work to fulfil the big expectations we have for the USA operation. We hope that the impact of this expansion can go beyond the positive influence on the company’s reputation. We are fully committed to make this market one more example of financial success that allows FBM® to keep investing in the development of high-quality gaming solutions to meet and surpass the evolving needs of casino players.

“The US is a unique market that gathers different player profiles allowing FBM® to diversify its revenue streams and expand its customer base.”

Renato Almeida, director at FBM.

How do you see the FBM® presence in the USA in one year? 

I see FBM® growing fast during the second semester of 2023 and 2024 as a year of consolidation and sustainable expansion for us. 

FBM® is ready to make the next product launches a success and keep bringing exceptional gaming experiences to American players. The next slots on our product pipeline blend cutting-edge technology, inspiring graphics, immersive sounds, and rewarding features to provide the entertainment that players are craving.

The FBM® team on the field is committed to complement the fantastic game performances with dedicated customer service that will certainly increase players’ loyalty to our games on active casinos and forge new relevant partnerships in this market.

After this initial success built on a strategic plan superbly executed, FBM® will be ready to leverage its expertise reinforcing its role as a recognized and trusted provider in the US gaming industry.

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exclusive interview fbm