Marta Zogala, Relax Gaming: “Relax Vantage’s goal is to become a one-stop shop for our customers to access the wider Relax ecosystem”

Marta Zogala, Head of Platform Products at Relax Gaming.
Marta Zogala, Head of Platform Products at Relax Gaming.

Relax Gaming’s Head of Platform Products spoke with Focus Gaming News about the company’s brand-new business platform Relax Vantage and how it has the potential to change the business.

Exclusive interview.- Relax Gaming launched its new business platform Relax Vantage. Set to significantly simplify the integration process for both operators and suppliers, Relax Vantage will offer next-level functionality without any development work required by the end user. The self-service portal, which can be securely logged into from anywhere in the world, allows operators to browse all games available to them with relevant information, configurations, and analytical reports that provide detailed insights into financial results across all markets.

To delve deeper into the features, the benefits it brings, what the creation process was like, and what the company expects with this advance, Focus Gaming News interviewed Relax Gaming’s Head of Platform Products, Marta Zogala.

Congratulations on the launch of Relax Vantage, can you start by telling us about your overall vision for the platform and what prompted its development?

Relax Vantage was developed to provide growth and scalability for our partners, with smart automation between all the technical and business components of the Relax casino offering. The end goal is for Relax Vantage to become a one-stop shop for our customers to access the wider Relax ecosystem.

We wanted one hub that facilitates and supports all aspects of our business partnerships, and we believe Relax Vantage will add value and reduce inefficacies at every step by adding a level of self-service that we have never been able to offer before now. Partners want the capability of tracking performance 24/7 and that’s what we’re offering via Relax Vantage.

“We wanted one hub that facilitates and supports all aspects of our business partnerships”.

How will Relax Vantage streamline day-to-day processes for operators, and what does it offer that other platforms don’t?

First and foremost, Relax Vantage greatly improves the reporting and analytical capabilities that are available to clients. It also gives much greater visibility to our library of aggregated and third-party content, allowing operators to discover our full portfolio and integrate tailored content that complements the behaviors and preferences of their player base.

Moving forward we will add more features, promotional material, and certificates will be available, as well as the ability to configure and manage your games. Very soon, any type of change request or information about our products will be available via Relax Vantage which will be a game-changer.

You’ve stated that this platform takes the development work out of the equation for end-users, just how important is it that these are user-friendly without the need for an IT specialist to make simple changes? 

It is critical. One of the core principles that we had in mind when creating functionality for Relax Vantage was ease of use. We want to empower operators to perform many operational tasks smoothly and straightforwardly. Relax Vantage has also launched with full user documentation so the end user will have all they need to get started without requiring any specialist or technical knowledge.

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Will you be adding new functionality to the platform as time goes on, or is Relax Vantage launching with everything operators and suppliers could need?

Our roadmap includes lots of enhancements to the Relax Vantage platform and we are incredibly excited to take the product to the next level and see operators and suppliers make the most of what is on offer. To heighten the excitement, we have left a few teasers in there so once you log in and start navigating, there will be a few clues dotted around indicating what is coming up next!

We pride ourselves on listening to and implementing customer feedback.  The industry we are working in is constantly evolving and as a product, Relax Vantage will need to constantly evolve too to meet the demands of the market and our business partners.

“Our roadmap includes lots of enhancements to the Relax Vantage platform and we are incredibly excited to take the product to the next level.”

Can you summarise Relax Vantage in just a few short sentences? 

Relax Vantage is a new portal for all Relax customers. The product will improve all aspects of our business partnership processes, right from integration to the delivery of analytics and performance reports. It’s also a new way to access and discover our complete library of content which will allow you to find the most relevant content for your business.  

In this article:
Relax Gaming Relax Vantage