Japan passes problem gambling protection bill

The lower chamber of the Diet has approved a bill seeking to protect problem gamblers as the casino industry is about to be regulated.

Japan.- The Integrated Resorts (IR) Implementation Bill is a top priority for Japanese lawmakers as the Diet session comes to an end next June 20th but complimentary bills are also under discussion. That’s why the lower chamber of the country’s Diet has approved a proposed legislation seeking to protect problem gamblers should the casino industry gets legalised.

According to many gambling experts, the passage of the anti-gambling addiction bill is a clear sign of the IR bill’s approval. Lawmakers are looking forward to getting the most revenue for the state while protecting problem gamblers and making the industry profitable as well. Once this bill gets passed, the government will begin drafting regulations for business establishments.

Liberal Democratic Party’s affairs policy chairman, Hiroshi Moriyama, said to AGBrief that the IR Bill is a top priority for the ruling party. “It is important to enact this bill at costs,” he said and added: “As the discussion has begun in the House of Representatives, we must send the bill to the House of Councillors as soon as possible and have it enacted in the current Diet session.”

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