ESPN to launch sports betting show
The sports network announced it will broadcast a daily sports betting TV show called Daily Wager.
US.- The sports betting segment doesn’t only have an effect on the gambling industry but also has an impact on other industries, such as the television business. That’s why ESPN, the sports broadcasting network, will launch its own daily sports betting show.
The TV show will be called Daily Wager and is set to be anchored by sports betting analyst Doug Kezirian, who already hosts a podcast related to the segment. The show will feature guests, interviews and reports with discussion related with betting options.
“The sports betting environment has changed and interest is increasing at unprecedented levels,” ESPN executive vice president Norby Williamson said. “ESPN is going to have a strong and vibrant presence across our platforms, and the launch of Daily Wager is the next step in what has already been underway for some time,” he added.
“I’m thrilled,” Kezirian told the Hartford Courant. “They key for us is to do what we always do, which is to serve the sports fan. We’ve realized that the sports fan has an appetite for sports-betting content, and that’s what this is about.”