Alabama eyes state lottery
After Mississippi voted to create its own state lottery, Alabama politicians are studying whether to create its own business.
US.- Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant is expected to give the final nod to the creation of a state lottery which is set to generate up to US$80 million dollars once it’s completely established. The decision has turned Alabama’s attention as it will now be surrounded by states where people can buy a lottery ticket and politicians are considering whether to set up their own business or not.
State lawmakers are keen on a lottery bill to be discussed but they assure there won’t be any debate until it is clear where revenue would go. “I think people want to see a clear path with where the money will be going,” Senate President Pro-Tem Del Marsh and added: “I supported lottery legislation in the past. If somebody wants to bring forth some legislation this next session. I’m not going to oppose it.”
The state lottery would also have Representative Merika Coleman’s support as she highlighted the legalisation of the game in Mississippi and its availability in all neighbouring states. “I bought a lottery ticket in Tennessee. At the time that Power Ball was $3 billion dollars. People were driving all over to get a ticket,” Coleman assured and stated: “We need to have that in [Alabama]”.
“There are some people that morally disagree with the lottery, they morally disagree with gambling. If that is your stance, I support you and your stance. Don’t go buy a lottery ticket. But don’t keep us from bringing that revenue in the state. Nobody’s asking you to go against you moral issues, but don’t deny the students in Alabama to have a free education,” Coleman added.