Virginia sports betting to launch for Super Bowl

Virginia sports betting to launch for Super Bowl

According to the Virginia Lottery’s director, the entity is close to setting a date for the launch of sports betting in the state.

US.- Regulators in Virginia expect to have licensed sports betting up and running in time for the Super Bowl on Sunday on February 7.

The state lottery director, Kevin Hall, said: “We’re close to the end zone, and once we begin to issue the first of the licenses. Once the sportsbooks feel like they’re ready to go, they can go live.” 

If a launch date is set before the Super Bowl, the fixture would be expected to help generate early sign-ups ahead of the big game and to engage fans before the baseball season in spring.

Sports betting will be conducted fully online in Virginia since the state has no land-based casinos. The Virginia Lottery will regulate the market.

In November, the entity reviewed 25 licence applications from operators competing for the 12 licenses available.

Hall confirmed that 12 applications have now been approved.

The successful candidates must ensure bettors are located in Virginia and are over the age of 21 according to state regulation.

It has been estimated that Sports betting in Virginia could bring in up to $412m in annual revenue once the sector reaches maturity.

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sports betting virginia lottery