UK clampdown on data compliance to affect gambling sites

UK clampdown on data compliance to affect gambling sites

The Information Commissioner’s Office is concerned over online tracking.

UK.- Just as Flutter’s Sky Betting and Gaming lost its High Court case over a breach of data rules, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has published its online tracking strategy for 2025. The data watchdog aims to ensure the 1,000 most popular UK websites comply with rules on tracking.

The ICO says it will probe adtech compliance in a bid to ensure that publishers are giving customers control over how they are tracked. The body also wants to encourage publishers to use more privacy-friendly forms of online advertising and intends to provide guidance on legal requirements. It plans to warn publishers in cases where consent management platforms do not support compliance by default.

Stephen Almond, the ICO’s executive director of regulatory risk, called out the gambling sector specifically in a blog post on the announcement. He said: “Online tracking is a part of everyday digital life. It enables personalised advertising, funds many free services and shapes our online experiences. But when it isn’t done responsibly, harm can occur. For example, gambling addicts may be targeted with betting ads based on their browsing record – with no easy way to block them.”

He added: “It is imperative that individuals can trust the digital services they use and make informed choices about how their information is used. Our new online tracking strategy sets out how we will spend 2025 making this vision a reality – tackling the challenges of online tracking across websites, apps and connected devices. This is not just about compliance; it’s about fostering innovation, trust and a level playing field for all.”

The ICO rapped Sky Betting and Gaming back in September after an investigation found that it had dropped advertising cookies without seeking consent prior to making changes in March 2023. The practice was discovered after the ICO investigated the top 100 websites in the UK. The body found fault with 53 sites in terms of how they used advertising cookies.

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