Madrid presents gambling project

Madrid presents gambling project

During the 8th ANESAR Congress, representatives from Madrid presented a new project that will protect minors from gambling.

Spain.- The 8th ANESAR Congress was held in Madrid last week, where the main referents of the gambling industry in Spain gathered to share “A look into the future”. The Minister of Justice, Interior and Victims of the Community of Madrid, Enrique López, revealed plans to tighten controls.

As López explained in the event organized by the Spanish Association of Entrepreneurs of Games and Recreation Rooms, they will aim to avoid the involvement of minors in the industry. With this objective, they will launch the Game Planning Decree in the Community of Madrid.

“Gambling is not an economic activity, but a sector that requires an exercise of corporate social responsibility and self-control. Among the priorities that will be included in the new decree, the fundamental one will be to protect minors and the most vulnerable people. In addition, the jobs generated by the sector will be taken into account, as well as the defence of company freedom and the exercise of an activity that is legal in our country and at European level,” López said.

Gaming faces further restrictions in Madrid

The industry’s expansion in Spain has generated a wave of restrictions in different communities. Therefore, certain restrictions and impediments were established for the development of the sector there.

Despite some criticism, the limits to the gaming industry will be in effect in Madrid (and other regions) for one year. Therefore, the authorities have backed the recent decision and other municipalities want to join.

After Madrid approved the restrictions, many municipalities jumped in the bandwagon. Getafe, Fuenlabrada and Alcorcón, for example, limited gaming and its expansion, although others could join.

In Humanes de Madrid, south of the capital, they are pushing for similar measures. However, according to the Executive Power, the City Council does not have competences in this matter.

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