Florida Gaming Control Commission reports 5.9% drop in slot revenues for July

Florida Gaming Control Commission reports 5.9% drop in slot revenues for July

The average daily revenue per slot machine was $252.

US.- The Florida Gaming Control Commission has reported slot revenues of $53,970 for July, down 5.9 per cent year-on-year. Bettors spent $789,612 and machines paid out $722,605. This resulted in a hold rate of about 6.8 per cent, compared to 7.2 per cent in July 2023. The average daily revenue per slot machine was $252, down from $272.

The largest revenue earner was the Isle Casino & Racing at Pompano Park with $10,760. The Florida Gaming Commission said it has intensified its efforts against illegal casinos, shutting 11 in collaboration with the Volusia Sheriff’s Office.