Eduardo Sevilla leaves post as president of Peruvian gambling regulator

Peru implemented new gambling legislation this month.
Peru implemented new gambling legislation this month.

Peru’s Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism said Sevilla’s appointment has been concluded.

Peru.- The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (MINCETUR) has confirmed that Eduardo Sevilla Echevarría has left his position as president of the gambling regulator, the DGJCMT. Sevilla had been in the position for close to two years, having replaced Manuel San Roman in 2022.

A bulletin signed by trade minister Juan Carlos Mathews Salazar said the ministry had concluded Sevilla Echevarría’s appointment via Resolución Ministerial 044-2024-MINCETUR. The reason for the decision was not given. Prior to his stint at the gambling regulator, Sevilla held positions in tourism including as director for the Cámara Nacional de Turismo (Canatur) and national director of tourism.

Last year, the Peruvian government approved Law No.31806, updating the Gambling Law of 1999. The amendments, which came into force on February 9, include updates on tax collection, AML measures and the promotion of responsible gambling. The new legislation also requires gambling operators to have a local presence. Operators must register with MINCETUR by March 10.

In October, the Association of Professional Footballers of Peru (Safap) called on the Peruvian Football Federation (FPF) to launch an investigation into performances in Liga 1 matches due to suspicions of manipulation for sports betting purposes. There were even calls for the Betsson-sponsored league to be suspended pending a probe.

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Gambling gambling regulation