Denmark regulator launches new gambling information website

Spillemyndigheden says the site will provide information about compulsive gaming to the public.
Denmark.- The Danish gambling regulator Spillemyndigheden has announced the launch of StyrPå, a new public information portal. The website provides information to the public on issues around gambling, including compulsive gaming.
The website includes content for parents and teachers designed to help inform young people about safer gambling and how to identify compulsive gambling behaviour. The regulator said that primary and lower secondary school teachers would find teaching materials that can be used directly from the website for students aged 13-15.
The site, StyrPå, will also host the regulator’s podcast Vi snakker om spillet (We talk about gaming). This will explore lived experience with people who have suffered from gambling addiction and their loved ones.
StyrPå forms part of a series of government initiatives running from 2023 to 2025 designed to reduce problem gambling rates.
Last week, Spillemyndigheden announced that it has issued fines totalling DKK100,000 (€13,400) against one person who it says was advertising illegal gambling. The regulator said the person was advertising unlicensed offerings on two websites.
The names of the person and the websites involved have not been made public, but Spillemyndigheden said it had reported the person to the police. It says the two sites linked to offers from operators that don’t have a Danish licence and which allowed customers to gamble if they were registered with Denmark’s self-exclusion programme ROFUS.