Clarion reveals new info about Gaming Africa

Business and media world show support for the two-day conference Gaming Africa.

South Africa.- Gaming Africa, the two day conference which runs across the October 24-25 in Johannesburg, has attracted the support of 49 organisations comprising commercial, trade association and media sponsors. The first edition of the free-to-attend event, organised by Clarion Gaming, will feature commercial sponsors BetConstruct, FSB, GLI, Kiron Interactive and Sirplay.

Gaming Africa’s supporting partners comprise the European Casino Association, Global Gaming Company, Industry Group For Responsible Gaming, Spectrum Gaming Group and the Western Cape Bookmakers Association with a further 39 media channels including B2B gaming and business media, all covering the launch event.

Reflecting on the response, Clarion Gaming’s Curtis Roach, Content Lead for Gaming Africa, said: “We’ve worked hard in partnership with the market to curate an event which chimes with the development of gaming across the African continent.  We have established an extensive two-day learning programme featuring national and international thought leaders, created unrivalled networking opportunities with the continent’s foremost operators, suppliers and regulators and flown in two of world gaming’s most respected training experts to provide complimentary courses valued at R15,000.

“Learning and training are the foundation stones of Gaming Africa and the opportunity to network underpins every element of the two days delegates will spend with us in Johannesburg.  From our experience putting on events throughout the world, the gaming industry thrives when it has the opportunity to sit down and talk about opportunities, challenges, technology, regulation, personalities and products.  This is what Gaming Africa is all about and the energy this combination of topics brings will be in abundance.”

He added: “It’s not just the commercial world that has shown its support for next week’s event.  Gaming Africa will also feature influential regulators including Edgar Agaba, CEO, Lotteries and Gaming Regulatory Board Uganda, Jean Claude Mushimire, Head of the Services Industry Development Policy, Rwanda Ministry of Trade and Industry and Peter Mireku, Commissioner for the Gaming Commission of Ghana.”

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