Casino Canberra to get betting limit

The ACT Greens are likely to set a US$1,56 spin limit at the Casino Canberra while casino legislation is soon to be debated.

Australia.- After proposing several figures, the ACT Greens are close to agreeing on a US$1,56 per-spin limit at the Casino Canberra. The Cabinet couldn’t reach a decision on the betting limit earlier and neither have the government nor the Greens, however, the latter are close to reach a final number.

Shane Rattenbury, ACT Greens’ leader, had recently commented he’d like the limit to be between US$0,78 and the limit proposed by the government, which was US$3,90. However, he has reportedly be on board with the US$1,56 spin limit proposed by the Productivity Commission.

‘The Greens support the Productivity Commission’s finding that a bet limit of US$1,56 or less is needed to make some useful inroads into reducing harms, and [the] recommendation that a limit of US$0,78 per spin is best practice,’ Rattenbury said.

However, pokies have voiced their opposition to any limit below the current US$7,81 since there are too few machines involved. The government allows up to 200 pokie machines and 60 other games under current legislation but new one is soon to be debated.

Opposition gaming spokesman Mark Parton said the ‘healthiest and safest option’ was the current community gaming model, which gives pokies exclusivity to clubs and hotels. According to Mr Parton, clubs are ‘known to give back to the community’ and said the government has ‘turned their backs on a community-based model in favour of an international conglomerate.’

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