North Carolina to approve sports betting
The segment could arrive in the state in the near future as lawmakers are considering which is the proper way to legalise it.
US.- Sports betting continues to expand in the US and North Carolina could be the next state to allow the segment to go live. Lawmakers are considering the best way to do so and it is expected that a bill will pass, should its sponsor be the right one.
Last Wednesday, Senate Bill 154 was introduced by Senator Jim Davis in order to get sports betting on both professional and amateur sports legalised. According to him, the proposed legislation is expected to be approved within months and get signed into Law by June.
“The Eastern Band are wanting to get into sports wagering, and wagering is legal now after the Supreme Court decision of May of last year overturning PASPA. It’s a legal enterprise and they want to expand to include wagering in my district, so I consented to file the bill and don’t expect it to have any problems getting passed,” the lawmaker said.
Should SB154 get approved, the Eastern Band would be cleared to add a sportsbook to its Class III games.
Nonetheless, Davis said he is “in favor of restricting (online and mobile wagering), and that’s why my bill will not allow an app” and added: “The Eastern Band came to me with this proposal, and that’s what they wanted. They’re not interested in expanding it at this time, and probably have no interest in expanding in the future.”