Barcelona to probe Rafael Marquez betting partnership

Barcelona to probe Rafael Marquez betting partnership

The team noted that the coach had been promoting a Mexican gambling operator in social media posts.

Spain.- It’s been reported that FC Barcelona is to investigate head coach Rafael Marquez over his promotion of a betting operator. The Mexican coach was noted to have used his personal social media accounts to promote a Mexican operator with giveaway prizes.

The team is reportedly concerned that Marquez’s activity could damage its image and cause potential conflicts of interests with the team’s own sponsors. The club’s Compliance department will decide on the matter and whether to take any formal action.

RFET joins Spanish Global Betting Market Research Service

The Spanish gambling regulator, the DGOJ, has announced that the Royal Spanish Tennis Federation (RFET) has joined its Global Betting Market Research Service (SIGMA). The tennis body can now consult the betting integrity monitoring service and submit information about instances of suspicious bets placed on sporting events. 

The RFET is the latest partner to join the sports integrity initiative following the autonomous Basque region, Euskadi. SIGMA provides a view of the betting market for the purposes of vigilance against match-fixing. Those joining the initiative commit to assisting the DGOJ in investigations of the betting market when necessary.

SIGMA was created under amendments to Spain’s 2011 Gambling Act passed in October 2022. The centrally controlled database allows registered bodies to cooperate against match-fixing and fraud through the processing of personal data. The network includes licensed gaming operators, the National Sports Council, sports federations and professional leagues. 

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gambling regulation sports betting