Tribal casino CEO gets voted out in Wyoming
The Northern Arapaho Business Council voted not to renew Wind River Hotel and Casino CEO Jim Conrad’s contract.
US.- The Wind River Hotel and Casino CEO Jim Conrad won’t continue serving his position, a vote decided. The Northern Arapaho Business Council voted 3-3 and determined not to offer him a new contract.
“This is not a termination,” Spoonhunter said. “Your present contract will expire on its own terms on June 30, 2019. We expect that you will continue to serve as CEO until that date. We thank you for your service to the Northern Arapaho Tribe.”
Still, some members disagreed with the decision, as they told The Ranger. NABC co-chairman Al Addison said that Spoonhunter’s letter differed from the terms the other five council members agreed to.
He expected the letter to urge him to “continue in (his) current position after the date of (his) contract expiration until the council can resolve the impasse.”
Report on the casino
Spectrum Gaming Group had recently filed a document with the tribe, assessing the casino. They questioned: “whether the operation is functioning effectively and in accord with best industry practices.”
“Despite these challenges, Spectrum found that the casinos have established a sustainable business; the gaming operations are financially stable and is able to meet all financial obligations, including the servicing of their debt; the operation is liquid; and perhaps of equal or greater importance, the casinos and associated facilities provide employment for well over 500 people, of which about 80 per cent are Northern Arapaho tribal members,” the report states.
“If there is a longer leave by the CEO there will be issues of allocation of funds, hiring and firing issues, alteration in policy, which can only be resolved by consultation of a manager and the CEO,” Spectrum wrote. “In fact, having no second in command leaves the organization vulnerable to delays in resolving important issues should Jim Conrad leave his position.”
Spectrum urged Clifford’s position to be filled to “facilitate better allocation of time.”