01/22/18 India state to implement online lottery The Indian State of Maharashtra could soon approve the operation of online lottery services.
01/12/18 Svenska Spel agrees partnership with Sporting Solutions The Swedish lottery authority has chosen Sporting Solutions as new supplier.
12/20/17 South Korean lottery expects more growth Lottery operators are expected to increase their annual revenues in South Korea.
12/14/17 UKGC to raise lottery standards The gambling commission from the UK outlined plans to make lotteries clearer for consumers.
12/04/17 UK limits non-local lottery EuroMillions lottery in the UK would be limited by the government’s resolution on third-party betting.
12/01/17 Georgia Lottery to get new director The lottery from the Peach State is set to introduce a new director on January 1, as the current one is retiring.
11/29/17 Court ruling to end German lottery monopolies The Administrative Court of Munich ruled against state lottery monopolies and branded them as unlawful.
11/28/17 Nigeria removes 18 lottery licenses The African country has the intention to withdraw 18 licenses from lottery operators.
11/28/17 Lottery in China increases ticket sales Total sales from official lottery products in October went up 11.3 percent year-on-year to US$5.6 billion.
11/21/17 Mississippi discussed lottery plans The state’s committee held its last meeting to discuss if a lottery in Mississippi would be profitable.
10/31/17 Lottery grows in China Chinese lottery experienced good results in September, specially boosted by sports betting operations.
10/30/17 Mississippi to discuss lottery plans The committee that has been studying the possibility of bringing lottery to the state will gather in the upcoming weeks to discuss the initiative.
10/26/17 Ukraine to investigate luckiest politician A Ukrainian member of the parliament will be investigated after declaring that he won the national lottery three times in the past year.
10/18/17 Bahamas, near a new lottery A new lottery offering could be introduced in the gaming market of Bahamas, according to authorities.
10/17/17 Lottery ticket production to increase Kerala revenues The state government will increase the production of lottery tickets in order to obtain additional revenue.