Tokyo could extend the Diet session

The Congress of Japan would extend the Diet session to late June or July in order to pass the casino bill.

Japan.- The Congress of Japan is planning on extending the Diet session to late June or July in order to have time to pass the casino bill, as reported by the local press. The measure is being discussed by the government of Japan and the ruling bloc, according to this week’s report, although they have not revealed when the extension would be confirmed.

“We are short of deliberation time (for important bills). We cannot help but extend the Diet term,” a senior lawmaker of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party said. “It is time to think about how long the Diet session should be extended,” said a high-ranking lawmaker of Komeito, the LDP’s junior coalition partner.

This week, the lower chamber of the country’s Diet has approved a proposed legislation seeking to protect problem gamblers should the casino industry gets legalised. According to many gambling experts, the passage of the anti-gambling addiction bill is a clear sign of the IR bill’s approval.

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Lawmakers are looking forward to getting the most revenue for the state while protecting problem gamblers and making the industry profitable as well. Once this bill gets passed, the government will begin drafting regulations for business establishments.

According to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the introduction of casino resorts in the country would allow the country to change its status to a “tourism-oriented” location. Prime Minister Abe also explained that the government would implement measures to address concerns regarding gambling addiction, to prevent negative impacts on society.

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