Shared liquidity to kick off with PokerStars

The shared online poker liquidity project has taken another step forward after PokerStars’ French division became the first company authorised to join it.

France.- Europe is set to begin its shared online liquidity project as PokerStars’ French division has just been cleared to join the process and became the first company to do so. ARJEL, the local regulator, accepted the site’s request and allowed it to join the process that will link local, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish player pools.

According to ARJEL, the operator will be obliged to only share liquidity with the borders of jurisdictions involved in the project and will be required to be approved by responsible gambling regulators as well. Furthermore, it will have to report to the regulator in case there’s any changes in its participation in the shared liquidity project.

PokerStars is the only company that has a license to operate in each of the four countries involved, and is even the only poker operator in Portugal. It is expected that the project will be up and running by early 2018 including France, Spain and Portugal, whilst Italy will probably join later as some politicians have voiced their opposition to the process.

In this article:
France PokerStars regulation