Malta regulator hosts Zimbabwe delegation

Malta regulator hosts Zimbabwe delegation

The gambling regulator from Malta hosted a delegation from the Lotteries and Gaming Board of Zimbabwe.

Malta.- The Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) has revealed that it received this month a delegation of members of the Lotteries and Gaming Board and the Ministry of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Zimbabwe.

The meeting was requested by the Zimbabwean authorities in order to receive insight on how the gambling industry is regulated in Malta, in view of imminent regulation within the African country.

Following a tour of the MGA offices, and a discussion revolving around the Authority’s Directorates and staffing, the MGA delivered presentations and materials relating to the licensing and compliance processes, criminal probity assessments, utilisation of the risk-based approach, the design around the legal instruments, and anti-money laundering supervision. Discussions around these topics and exchange of best practices between both regulators ensued.

“The MGA is constantly welcoming such opportunities to meet counterpart gambling regulators, as they are the ideal platform for knowledge sharing and cooperation,” said the MGA.

MGA published industry study

MGA has carried out a survey through its Information & Research Unit, in which its licensed remote gaming operators participated to better understand the existing skills gap in the gaming industry. The report features key findings from a survey that the MGA conducted in 2019. Among the key highlights, the MGA has discovered a total of 730 unfilled positions reported by online gaming companies in Malta as at the end of 2018, and 68% are primarily at the operational level.

Around 69% of the vacancies remained unfilled for no more than three months, and lack of work experience (28%), competition from other firms (27%) and lack of qualifications (21%) are the main reasons for unfilled vacancies.

According to the survey results, more than one-third of the operators recruit personnel employed by other firms in the sector. The recruitment of workers immediately after the completion of their formal education was reported by 9% of the surveyed firms, confirming the potentially stronger role which could be played by educational institutions.

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Malta MGA