Invercargill Licensing Trust Board aims to keep poker machines funding
New Zealand’s ILT board believes it has a strong case to keep poker machines funding in Southland with the community backing up the trust.
New Zealand.- The Invercargill Licensing Trust Board (ILT Board) is confident it has a strong case to keep poker machines funding in Southland with the community rallying behind the initiative to support the trust.
Currently, a portion of the money generated by poker machines in non-casino venues is required to be allocated into the community. The Department of Internal Affairs is conducting a review of class 4 gambling, which comprises gambling on poker machines in clubs, pubs and bars.
Whilst reviewing class 4 gambling sector, the department had discussed the possibility of centralising funding distribution and management. If this measure comes to fruition, it could reduce the foundation’s ability to ensure money from Invercargill gambling machines was going back in to the Invercargill community only.
Invercargill Licensing Trust board member John Young declared it would be “absolutely disastrous” for the region if funding was centralised.