Imperial Pacific asks for deadline extension

The company behind the newest Mariana Islands casino asked for an extension to complete the construction process.

US.- Imperial Pacific International LLC asked the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) to amend the original Casino License Agreement to widen the deadline in order to complete the construction of the casino.

Last month the Marianas Variety reported that Best Sunshine chief executive Mark Brown sent a letter to the CNMI to extend the temporary casino operations from April to the last day of October. Furthermore, the company also asked for an extension to complete the construction from August 2017 to February 2018. Best Sunshine wanted to extend the deadline to begin operations from February 2018 to may 2023 as well.

On a press release, the company also said that they have concerns regarding the overstaying of tourists, along with the parole program for tourists from China, who make up almost 40 percent of the Mariana Islands tourism. Imperial Pacific believes that the parole program for Chinese tourists is extremely important for the success of the casino resort and that they will keep fighting for it because the growth of their economy would be negatively affected.