Czech Republic reinforces gaming law

Czech Republic Gaming legislation would include a new amendment of consumer protection.

Czech Republic.- The Ministry of Finance announced this week new regulations for the gaming industry. The Czech Republic administration is adding a new amendment to current legislation in order to prevent problem gambling, according to an official statement. The amendment will control players’ participation in gaming services.

Czech legislators have been holding a long discussion on gaming legislation, as the government seeks stricter control on the industry. Now the new proposal would establish time limits for players’ participation in gaming services. Operators would have to comply with new amendment, which would set a maximum limit on hour basis, as reported by iGaming Business.

The local gaming market has recently been regulated, although operators expect to be informed about new laws. Last month, national legislators held a meeting to introduce new project to control potential public corruption through gaming operations. According to a document issued by Human Rights Ministry, the industry could represent a risk of corruption in public administration, as “favouritism, non-standard lobbying, economic and media pressure” could influence government officials.

Meanwhile, the Czech Republic authorities will go on with their intentions to block illegal gambling sites in the country, now that a national court supported the decision by declaring it as constitutional.

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Czech Republic gaming