10/02/17 Special events at G2E celebrate gaming icons Legends from Rock n’ Roll, Comedy, Sports and and other headline events will surround the biggest casino industry’s marquee show.
10/02/17 Clarion to promote global strategy at G2E Clarion Gaming revealed that it will promote ‘Global Strategy for a Global Industry’ at this year’s G2E that is set to start tomorrow in Las Vegas.
10/02/17 CGS brought gaming to Cyprus The Cyprus Gaming Show was the first gaming event on the country and brought the industry together for a successful event.
10/02/17 CEEGC2017 reports considerable growth The Central and Eastern European Gaming Conference (CEEGC) celebrated its second edition last September 19-20 and brought the industry to Budapest.
09/29/17 Turfsport COO backs vision for Gaming Africa Clarion’s Gaming Africa, which is set to take place in Johannesburg next October 24-25 keeps gathering support.
09/27/17 Gaming leaders to discuss the industry at G2E Gaming leaders will dissect the state of the industry at Global Gaming Expo (G2E).
09/27/17 Startup Pitch at SiGMA this November SiGMA’s exhibition will be set at Malta Fairs and Conventions Centre from November 22-25.
09/25/17 Betting on Sports breaks attendance records Betting on Sports conference was held September 12-15 at the Olympia Conference Centre in London.
09/25/17 “G2E is the event that TransAct plans for all year long” (Exclusive interview).- G2E is one week away and TransAct official Tracey S. Chernay discussed the show with Focus Gaming News.
09/21/17 “G2E will include never-before-seen releases” (Exclusive interview).- Eduardo Aching, VP, International Sales at Konami, told Focus Gaming News that never-before-seen technology will be unveiled at G2E.
09/20/17 “G2E is a great celebration” (Exclusive interview).- Helio Bueno, Director EIBE at Ortiz Gaming Mexico discussed with Focus Gaming News the preparation for G2E 2017 in Las Vegas.
09/20/17 CEEGC celebrated its first day CEEGC started yesterday at the modern and luxurious Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest, in Hungary.
09/20/17 Gaming Africa attracts support from 29 nations The two day conference that will take place in Johannesburg next October 24-25 has the support from several countries all over the world.
09/18/17 “G2E is a great opportunity to develop networking” (Exclusive interview).- G2E is days away and FBM vice president Renato Almeida talked with Focus Gaming News about its attendance and plans for the show.
09/13/17 Konami shows preview of G2E Konami’s focus on enduring entertainment value leads to an Overflow of Creative New Releases at G2E 2017.