Belgian gambling operators warn of rise in underage gambling

The trade body BAGO warns that illegal gambling sites are flouting the new minimum age for gambling.
Belgium.- The Belgian Association of Gaming Operators (BAGO) has issued a warning about the extent of online gambling among minors on unlicensed websites. It commissioned research that shows that young men in particular are using unlicensed sites to avoid age restrictions.
The minimum age for gambling in Belgium was raised from 18 to 21 from the start of September, bringing online gambling in line with land-based casinos. However, BAGO has warned that the change will have no impact on the number of minors gambling on unlicensed sites. Its research showed that before the change, half of male gamblers aged 18 to 21 were gambling with unlicensed operators.
Awareness of illegal gambling sites appeared to be particularly high in this age group. When asked to name the brand they first think of when gambling online, 29 per cent named an illegal operator. That compares to just 4 per cent for gamblers of all ages. When shown a list of gambling brands, 85 per cent of young gamblers recognised an unlicensed site while only 15 per cent recognised licensed operators.
Close to a third of those surveyed said they had found out about unlicensed gambling offerings through social media while 26 per cent said they found the sites due to sports sponsorships.
BAGO chairman Tom De Clercq said the research showed the need for urgent action to tackle unlicensed gambling. He said “This proves that illegal websites are a major social problem. Because licensed providers apply strict age checks and focus strongly on player protection, young people are turning to illegal sites. It is essential that the approach to illegal gambling websites is tightened up to stop this development.”
“These platforms not only increase the risk of gambling addiction, but also undermine confidence in a safe, regulated gambling market,” he added. “BAGO therefore advocates targeted awareness campaigns, a fact-based gambling policy and a stricter approach to illegal websites and measures to cut off financial flows to these providers.”
BAGO has also suggested that the new minimum age for gambling should apply to lottery sales. This is the only vertical that retains a minimum age of 18 since the change in September.