Austrian Lotteries increases age limit for ticket purchases

The lottery has voluntarily decided to increase the minimum age to buy lottery tickets and scratch cards.
Austria.- Allwyn’s Casinos Austria has announced that it will voluntarily increase the minimum age for participation in its Austrian Lotteries products. The age limit for buying lottery tickets and scratch-off tickets will rise from 16 to 18 from July 10.
The new age limit will apply to all products, including EuroMullions and postal tickets. Lottery retailers will have the obligation to continue to conduct ID checks when deemed necessary.
Last week, The Bundesministerium Finanzen, Austria’s financial police force, reported that it imposed €492,000 in fines for illegal gambling in the first quarter of the year. It said that it inspected 46 properties, resulting in 27 criminal complaints.
UK National Lottery reports full-year sales of £8.2bn
Reporting on its last full financial year at the helm of the UK National Lottery before Allwyn’s licence begins, Camelot UK has reported annual sales of £8.2bn. That makes 2022-23 the second-best year since it launched the lottery in 1994, with sales up £96m year-on-year.
Sales of draw-based games rose to £4.74bn and digital sales hit a record high of £3.7bn, representing 45 per cent of all sales. Within that, mobile sales accounted for £311m, with 70 per cent via the National Lottery app. Retail sales also increased slightly to £4.5bn.