File said to provide evidence of Levo Chan’s involvement in under-the-table betting

Chan is accused of running illegal gambling operations and money laundering.
Chan is accused of running illegal gambling operations and money laundering.

Police in mainland China have provided the Macau court with an electronic file they say proves the involvement of Levo Chan Weng Lin.

Macau.- Mainland Chinese police have provided key evidence in the case against Levo Chan Weng Lin, the former head of Tak Chu. On Monday (January 30), Judiciary Police (PJ) officer Mak Chon Kit testified about an electronic file that allegedly contains details of under-the-table betting at a Tak Chun VIP room between 2014 and 2018. 

Mak Chon Kit did not explain how the file was obtained. However, the court heard that the data ended up in mainland police hands after a technology company backed up the data on a mainland server during a regular update and forgot to delete the copy.

He said the “Winnum” file contained details of more than 658,000 bets processed by Tak Chun in Macau between 2014 and January 2018, including the number of bets, the location and the names of the players. Police claim more than 3,400 bets related to under-the-counter betting.

The PJ says that Weng Chun, a company wholly owned by Chan, carried out under-the-table betting not only in Tak Chun’s VIP rooms but also in other gaming venues.

Chan Weng Lin was arrested in January with eight other people and was charged by Macau’s Public Prosecution Office for leading a criminal gang, money laundering, running illegal gambling operations and running illegal gambling operations in a casino.

Macau police believe the syndicate conducted 3,908 such bets in 39 VIP rooms and gaming venues, totalling HK$34.91bn (US$4.46bn) in turnover and HK$1.5bn in illicit gains. The trial will continue today.

In this article:
Tak Chun Group