Chris Honey joins ILGA board

Honey is one of the founding partners of a specialist advisory and restructuring firm.

Australia.- The New South Wales government has appointed Chris Honey to the board of the Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority (ILGA). Honey is one of the founding partners of McGrathNicol, a specialist advisory and restructuring firm.

Honey retired as a partner of McGrathNicol in 2015 but continues to serve as a consultant to the New Zealand business. He is honorary treasurer of the Royal Humane Society of NSW. He brings ILGA board membership to six, joining chairperson Caroline Lamb, deputy chairperson Sarah Dinning, and members Cathie Armour, Jeffrey Loy APM, and Dr Suzanne Craig.

Lamb said: “Mr Honey has considerable skills and experience in the advisory and restructuring field, including working extensively in highly regulated sectors, which will be invaluable for the board. He held the role of National Risk Partner for McGrathNicol and conducted investigations for major banks and other secured lenders.

“People appointed to the ILGA board must be of the highest integrity and promote fair, transparent and efficient decision-making. Mr Honey clearly meets these requirements.”

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