Apuesta Total strengthens online poker offering with EvenBet

EvenBet Gaming, has significantly extended its presence in South America after integrating its market-leading online poker platform with Apuesta Total.
Press release.- Apuesta Total, one of the greatest operators in Peru, has strengthened its multi-channel offering with EvenBet’s poker software, enabling the company to capitalise on the vertical which has experienced tremendous growth in the previous 12 months.
Players will benefit from the platform’s offering consisting of over 30 poker games, featuring a mix of classic favourites and modern formats to suit all tastes and preferences. EvenBet has delivered Apuesta Total a customised version of the platform to match the operator’s requirements.
Founded in 2014, Apuesta Total has over 400 retail betting outlets and has strong ambitions to increase its foothold within South America. Partnering with the operator highlights the growing appeal of EvenBet’s poker products within the region.
Dmitry Starostenkov, EvenBet Gaming CEO, said: “Apuesta Total is an ambitious company with an impressive track record, and we’re delighted to have successfully delivered our online poker platform into its ecosystem.
“We have expanded our presence in South and Latin America over the previous 12 months and have witnessed a surge of new customers to the online poker market. This new partnership will only strengthen our presence in a key market for EvenBet. We’re proud of the important role we have played in enhancing Apuesta Total’s poker offering and look forward to working alongside them in the months ahead.”
Gonzalo Pérez, CEO of Apuesta Total, said: “Having seen the impressive growth of the poker vertical in the last year, we wanted to step up our offering in this space by introducing a service that a wide range of players would appreciate.
“With EvenBet Gaming, we have partnered with the best platform provider that will allow us to reach a new audience. The company’s expertise and high quality software ensures we’re in a strong position to become a serious player in the online poker environment in Peru and beyond.”