14 Malta gambling operators achieve MGA’s new ESG standards

The Malta Gaming Authority’s new environmental, social and governance reporting standard was launched last year.
Malta.- The Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) has reported that 14 online gambling operators have achieved its environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting standard since its launch just over a year ago. The ESG Code Approval Seals were launched as part of the Maltese regulator’s voluntary ESG Code of Good Practice, which was published in July 2023.
The code comprises 19 topics and a roadmap for online gaming companies to streamline their reporting efforts. Licensees are invited to submit ESG disclosure returns. There are two levels of reporting: Tier 1, with foundational ESG standards, and Tier 2, with more exacting standards. Seals are valid for a year and can be renewed in the following reporting period, with operators able to “advance or adapt” their reporting tier.

MGA CEO Charles Mizzi said: “We believe this initiative will significantly enhance the industry’s reputation and sustainability credentials. By integrating ESG considerations into their operations, gaming companies not only contribute to the wellbeing of society and the environment but also strengthen the trust and confidence that consumers, investors, and regulators have in the industry.
“This initiative sends a clear message: sustainability, in the broadest sense of the word, is integral to the future of the gaming sector.”