Virginia senator votes against One Casino, Richmond

As city residents are voting to decide whether to authorise a new casino, senator Tim Kaine has voted “no”.
US.- Residents of Richmond, Virginia, have less than a month to decide if they want a casino in their city. Early voting started on September 17 but the full decision will be announced after the November ballots are counted.
Urban One and Peninsula Pacific Entertainment say their proposed ONE Casino and Resort would generate $500m in new tax revenues and $5.7bn in its first 10 years of operations. But while polls show acceptance among residents, there is some opposition.
One of the faces of the opposition is senator Tim Kaine who has voted “no” Senator Kaine’s office said “He believes there are better ways to enhance economic development in Richmond.”
“Richmond for All,” a nonprofit group, also opposes gambling in the city. On the other hand, Richmond’s mayor, Levar Stoney, supports the project. He said it would “provide increased funding for schools for affordable housing and for much needed infrastructure upgrades.”
See also: Richmond residents decide if they authorize new casino