UKGC to give evidence to Lords Gambling Committee

UKGC to give evidence to Lords Gambling Committee

The gambling commission UKGC will give evidence to the Lords Gambling Committee regarding social and economic impact.

UK.- The UK Parliament has revealed that the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) will give evidence to the House of Lords Select Committee on the Social and Economic Impact of the Gambling Industry in a two-hour evidence session today.

Neil McArthur, CEO of the UKGC and Dr Bill Moyes, Chair of the UKGC, will give evidence to the Committee around 3 pm. The evidence session is open to the public and will be held in Committee Room 2 of the House of Lords.

The questions will focus on the UKGC relationship with the gambling industry, the underlying regulatory approach to gambling and the financial sanctions imposed on gambling operator for regulatory breaches.

Moreover, it will focus on the UKGC’s ability to regulate constantly evolving technology and ever-changing gambling products, its actions to protect children from gambling and its decision to establish a working group to address issues about gambling operators’ VIP schemes.

UKGC releases new guidance

The UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) has announced a partnership with Twitter to create guidance to support users who want to limit the amount of gambling-related content on the social media platform.

This new guidance sets different ways in which the platform’s safety tools and settings can be adjusted within an individual account, to help mitigate the risk of exposure to gambling-related messaging and advertisements.

Moreover, the UKGC said that it will focus in 2020 on producing similar guidance for users of other social media platforms. Twitter is the first social media platform to work with the UKGC on this initiative.

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