11/15/19 Chicago casino bill fails to come up a House vote The bill that aimed to fix the casino tax structure to make a Chicago facility feasible failed to pass the Illinois House.
11/13/19 Chicago Mayor insists on casino The Mayor of Chicago went to Springfield on Tuesday to meet Illinois lawmakers in hopes to get them to help the city land a casino.
09/18/19 Illinois needs to change laws to make Chicago casino happen The gaming board in Illinois is asking lawmakers to reconsider the law enacted earlier this year in order to make a casino happen in Chicago.
08/19/19 Slots at Chicago airports could be profitable A study shows that featuring slots at Chicago airports may be as profitable as the ones in Las Vegas’ airport.
08/14/19 Chicago casino may not be financially feasible A new report from the Illinois gaming board shows that a casino in Chicago may not be as financially feasible as initially estimated.