Petersburg casino referendum to appear on November ballot

Petersburg casino referendum to appear on November ballot

Residents will decide whether they want a casino in the city.

US.- Petersburg’s city council has unanimously approved the request for a referendum on a casino. Residents will vote on November 5.

The wording of the Petersburg casino referendum approved by the court reads: “Shall casino gaming be permitted at a casino gaming establishment in Petersburg, Virginia as may be approved by the Virginia Lottery Board?” The options are “Yes” or “No”. If a simple majority of voters endorse the move, developers will be able to apply to the Virginia Lottery for a gaming concession in the commonwealth.

In April, the Petersburg City Council unanimously approved Bruce Smith Enterprise and The Cordish Companies as the city’s development partner for a casino and entertainment district to codevelop a $1.4bn Live! Gaming & Entertainment District including Live! Casino & Hotel Virginia. Petersburg would replace Richmond as one of Virginia’s five approved casino locations. Richmond voters rejected casino plans on two separate votes

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Land-based casinos