NY racetracks campaign to offer sports betting

State racetracks are collecting signatures to petition to legalise sports betting in New York.

US.- The recent legalisation of sports betting in the United States has woken up entities and companies that want to be the first to offer the gambling modality. Each state has the opportunity to legalise and regulate sports betting if they want to, and racetracks in New York are campaigning to be one of the first states to do so.

Racetracks are looking for signatures to petition to make sports betting legal in the state, while lawmakers are studying what the legalisation could mean for the state. The state constitution establishes that only the four casinos in Upstate New York can offer sports betting, and it would have to change for the racetracks to be able to operate sports betting as well.

Racino Batavia Downs has circulated a petition to force a vote on the subject, and local lawmakers are voicing their opinions, local media reported. State assembly leader, Joe Morelle said, “What we want to do is first of all get it right in the sense that we want to ensure that there is no way that there is no chance of anybody gaming the system. We want to ensure its integrity. I’ve spoken with Major League Baseball I know the other sports are concerned as well to make sure it doesn’t in anyway affect the sport.” Morelle wants to take his time to make sure that the legislature studies sports betting from every angle.

Moreover, Greece Senator Joe Robach said: “I would just like to see that approved by the voters of New York the way we’ve done other gaming. Regardless of my position, I think that this is one that is important and people should speak on whether they want it or not. I always think that is the best way.”

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sports betting