Gaming in Spain rejects criticism

Amid a brutal campaign against gaming in Spain, Aprocomar group strongly criticised the segment’s demonisation.
Spain.- The update of the laws on the industry in Spanish territory has become a topic of daily discussion. However, many arguments damage the image of a sector that generates thousands of jobs.
In this context, the Cordoba Association of Recreational Machine Operators (Aprocomar) rejected criticism on gaming in Spain. The association chaired by Mariano Lambert said that “they are not as they are described.”
In addition, he assured that “minors do not enter the gambling premises”. Also, that they fight more than anyone to maintain those conditions.
“We are a place of leisure and recreation, for people to drink their beer, watch a football game, play the little machine and, if you want to place a bet, throw it,” they said.
Measures to limit the gaming industry in Spain will launch in the coming weeks. However, it has already transpired that gambling advertising in Spain will be allowed for 4 hours in the morning. It will cover 1 to 5 a.m.
The Minister of Culture, Alberto Garzón, will meet with industry representatives to explain measures the regulation includes, such as restrictions for gambling advertising in Spain. For that matter, he met with Cejuego, as they had announced earlier this week.
The government explained the measures will cover three axes. On one hand, they’ll establish the hours when gaming advertising in Spain will air. Moreover, advertising must relate to betting on an event that is happening at the time of launching. Finally, they will reduce advertising permissions in general.
After announcing his interest in regulating the operations of the industry, Garzón added that he will seek to dialogue with the representatives to reach an agreement beneficial to all around gaming in Spain.