France: horse racing to resume in May

Horseracing will resume activities in May
Horseracing will resume activities in May

Racing set to resume behind closed doors when current lockdown is lifted on May 11.

France.- The French government plans to resume horse racing in France from May 11 under strict rules, according to a statement from the sport’s governing body, France Galop.

Races have been suspended since March 17 due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic after the French President mandated a quarantine period that has been extended until May 11.

“France would hence follow other European countries that are also preparing to gradually relaunch their horse racing activities,” France Gallop, said.

“When racing resumes, France Galop and LeTrot’s main priority is to protect the health and safety of the people involved in the organisation of race meetings.

“These race meetings will be run behind closed doors for as long as necessary and in the strictest conditions, as it was already done in the final days leading to the suspension of horseracing in France.

“This successful experience of holding race meetings behind closed doors at racecourses in the Oise region in March provides a solid basis to ensure the health security at future race meetings.”

In this article:
France horseracing