BGaming makes significant donation to youth chess centre

This latest donation builds on BGaming’s pledge to be a socially responsible company and support underprivileged communities.
This latest donation builds on BGaming’s pledge to be a socially responsible company and support underprivileged communities.

The company has made a contribution to The Youth Educational Centre of the Orion Fathers, in Warsaw, Poland.

Press release.- BGaming has donated €10,000 towards the development of a chess school for young people.

Ahead of International Chess Day on July 20th, the game provider has gifted a generous contribution to The Youth Educational Centre of the Orion Fathers, in Warsaw, Poland. Thanks to BGaming’s donation, the hub will provide more classes and equipment to talented chess athletes, as well as organise tournaments and events, to promote the game to a new demographic.

This latest donation builds on BGaming’s pledge to be a socially responsible company and support underprivileged communities. The games studio also donated to the A7MA Galeria Institute in Brazil earlier this year, to foster children’s creative talents through mural making and art tours, and has collaborated with artists at key industry events as part of its ‘When Art Meets Gaming’ projects.

Marina Ostrovtsova, CEO at BGaming, said: “At BGaming, we have seen how games can bring together friends and players to build communities. It is our pleasure to continue investing in the future of young people around the world and by supporting the launch of this centre, we are sure chess will unite and inspire many of them for years to come.”

See also: BGaming opens doors to steampunk club in Gold Magnate

Andriei Molchanov, a representative of The Youth Educational Center of the Orion Fathers, said: “By investing in the development of children today, we will have a kinder and fairer society tomorrow. The mission of helping children in difficult situations is a very necessary and important thing, and today BGaming is planting seeds of goodness so that wonderful fruits will spring up tomorrow. This is a win-win cooperation.”

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