Australian bookmakers and gambling industry push to legalise live betting

Those opposed to  the change in legislation fear implications for sports integrity.

Australia.- Under the current Australian legislation, online live sport bets  are banned, including those made after play starts and micro-bets on a contingency in a game. And bookmakers and the casino regulators in the country aim to produce a  change regarding the legislation of  live online sports betting. However, the government has advised against it, claiming that in-play gambling markets have increased risks of corruption.

Even though betting on live sports events is banned, it is indeed allowed in TABs and over mobile phones and that loophole in legislation has been exploited by bookmakers to get around the ban.

Moreover, the Minister for Communications said the federal government is considering the review of the Interactive Gambling Act, led by Barry O’Farrell and local media reported that the official could be presented during 2016. Plus, the Parliament received other bill related to the subject, in this case a proposal to ban in-play betting, credit betting and micro-bets, presented by independent Senator Nick Xenophon. Overall, the gambling industry will have an intense year surrounding the upcoming debates.