Ape In Poker partners with poker star Kenna James

The online casino and sportsbook brand has signed a deal with James, who will be focused on player acquisition, retention, and education.
US.- Online casino and sportsbook brand Ape In Poker has signed a partnership with poker star Kenna James, focusing on player acquisition, retention and education. James has 20 poker titles and has won over $4m in tournaments.
James and Ape In Poker will host a poker tournament on October 7 at Apeinpoker.com. Prizes include private coaching with Kenna James for the final table.
James commented: “Not only is Ape In Poker the next phase of online gambling, but it’s really the next stage of my career. With the momentum of this project combined with the incredible technology behind it, there’s no way I was passing up this opportunity. This is a game changer.”