Antimicrobial Casino Chips to prevent the spread of Covid-19

Antimicrobial Casino Chips add antibacterial materials to the plastic of casino chips.
Antimicrobial Casino Chips add antibacterial materials to the plastic of casino chips.

A Japanese company introduced antimicrobial casino chips which sanitize themselves and prevent the spread of microorganisms.

Press release.- Since the Covid-19 pandemic outbroke, many new challenges arose for the whole world and the casino industry was no stranger to it.

Despite suffering from a cold or flu, thousands of casino tourists still come to play every day. When someone who is sick presses the video poker button or picks up the dice, their bacteria will be left behind and spread to the next player who might be sick.

To prevent these situations, a Japanese company created an antimicrobial chip. Basically, they add antibacterial materials to the plastic of casino chips during the production process.

These chips use a technology called Nova Guard Chip Protect, which ensures that any part of the chip that comes into contact with the human body in the casino has antibacterial properties and kills microorganisms, preventing their growth or spread.

Despite the addition of antibacterial materials to the plastic edges and centre decals, their look, feel, and weight are exactly the same as any other casino chips, and allow all the same safety features and design options to be added.

These chips have been extensively tested and certified in “highly specialized” Japanese laboratories.

Other cleaning and disinfecting systems

A company has also developed a no-rinse surface disinfectant that can disinfect almost any hard surface in a casino

Touchable surfaces in the casino can also be contaminated by things deep within the casino’s HVAC system.

Dirty coils, slimy drain pans, and damp piping systems collect dust and mould, which can be blown off the piping system and into the occupied space. Mould spores from the HVAC system can regenerate anywhere in the casino, causing coughs and respiratory infections.

Since most casinos operate 24/7, HVAC equipment works harder than typical commercial equipment, and therefore requires a more thorough maintenance plan, not only to work efficiently, but also to provide customers with comfortable and safe air.

A large amount of outside air mixed with smoke, dust or other indoor pollutants will promote the growth of mould and bacteria in the system.

A clean and efficient evaporator coil that cools air without contributing to customer illness, in addition to saving on energy costs and equipment lifespan could help keep an entire casino clean, fresh, and functioning efficiently.

The industry is rapidly adapting to changing times and the challenges that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought, with the aim of continuing to take care of its customers and providing them with the best service.