Two Deadwood casinos and an online sportsbook fined for betting violations

The South Dakota Commission on Gaming has fined two Deadwood casinos $3,000 ach for taking illegal sports wagers.
US.- The South Dakota Commission on Gaming (SDCG) has fined two Deadwood casinos and an online sportsbook for accepting illegal bets on sporting events. Gold Dust Hotel and Casino, Mustang Sally’s and the online sports book Internet Sports International (ISI) must each pay a $3,000 penalty.
The illegal activity included accepting bets on college basketball games involving South Dakota State University (SDSU) and future games on the NCAA basketball tournament before the competition field was set. Under South Dakota rules, bets cannot be taken on university teams located in the state nor on any matches before teams have been announced.
The documents from Wednesday’s meeting of the Gaming Commission show Gold Dust accepted two wagers on SDSU basketball and allowed four future bets on the NCAA tournament. Mustang Sally’s accepted two future bets on the NCAA tournament.
ISI, which provides sports wagering kiosks at Gold Dust, allowed wagering on SDSU and allowed bets for the NCAA tournament before the teams were announced, the report said.
The Gaming Commission also fined two individuals who work at casinos for manually overriding the $1,000 limit on placing bets on NFL games.
Other resolutions included a $2,500 fine aginas Willy’s Wild West at Gold Country Inn for not properly inspecting surveillance equipment and a fine against Cadillac Jack’s dealer after an extra queen of diamonds was found in a poker deck.
See also: South Dakota legislators reject online sports betting bill