“In Las Vegas we’re positioned for some big growth”

(Exclusive interview).- Georg Washington, CEO of Synergy Blue, talked with Focus Gaming News about the company’s relocation to Las Vegas.

The premier creator of arcade-style casino games Synergy Blue recently announced the relocation of its home office from Palm Desert, California to Las Vegas. The company, which brings a positive economic footprint to the community, is ready to immerse itself in the industry.

Georg Washington, CEO of Synergy Blue, talked with Focus Gaming News after announcing the news and told us about the company’s benefits of operating from Nevada.

When announcing the relocation to Las Vegas, you said that you plan to hire locally. What are the benefits of doing such a thing for a company that is established but still has to face the challenges of a relocation?

Yes, we’re planning to expand our team locally here in Las Vegas. Now that we have our licence from the Nevada Gaming Commission, we’re positioned for some big growth and we’ll need people with a variety of skill sets to help support that growth. A good portion of our existing team was actually already living in Las Vegas and commuting to California, so they’re obviously very happy with the move. 

Las Vegas has a great talent pool, and we’re excited to be in a location where we know the growth we need is possible.

There have been some challenges, of course. Moving and working in temporary office spaces is difficult, but it will all be worth it once the renovation of our new headquarters is complete. As the heart of North America’s gambling industry, Las Vegas has a great talent pool, and we’re excited to be in a location where we know the growth we need is possible. 

Why did you decide to relocate to Las Vegas? What do you think will be the biggest difference from operating in Palm Desert, California, and Las Vegas?

We moved to Las Vegas because we found it necessary to be closer to the industry, in order to accommodate the growth of the company, as well as the momentum of skill-influenced gaming. Even while we were in California, we were spending more and more time in Las Vegas, so it just made sense to make it our new home. I think the biggest difference will be the opportunity that being in Las Vegas opens up for us. Las Vegas is a major distribution and travel hub making it really easy to get our products and people where they need to be. Plus, being immersed in the industry and surrounded by talent, we’re more than able to supplement our growth and get greater insight into developing our products for long-term success. 

Are you planning to strike more partnerships in Las Vegas to help you establish even more? Do you have something in store related to this subject? Can we expect more announcements in the third and final quarters of the year?

Yes, absolutely. Synergy Blue is focusing on partnerships, and our move to Vegas is another way of showing our dedication to establishing best practices and securing mutually beneficial relationships. We have a lot of announcements coming up—before, during, and after G2E Vegas—the first of which will be our placement for Nevada trials. It’s a very exciting time for us and we can’t wait to share what else we’ve been working on. 

Las Vegas is a major distribution and travel hub making it really easy to get our products and people where they need to be.

In terms of economic impact, what does the relocation mean for Synergy Blue? Do you have a specific plan for the short term or are you currently setting your sights in the long term?

It’s a very exciting period for the skill-influenced game market, and we’re setting ourselves, our partnerships, and our products up for long term success, which we believe rests on flexibility. This is one of the main concepts we built into our HAWG platform, which gives operators the option to choose a skill-influenced, or pure chance-based game version compliant with gambling regulations in their jurisdiction. The flexibility to choose means that all of the games in our library can be played in nearly any jurisdiction where traditional slots are legal. As regulations evolve to accommodate new player preferences, Synergy Blue can help facilitate those changes for casino owners simply and efficiently. 

It’s a very exciting time for us and we can’t wait to share what else we’ve been working on. 

G2E Las Vegas is just around the corner, is this edition of the show going to be different from you since you’ll be already established in the state? Will visitors be able to notice the difference?

G2E is where everyone in the industry gathers, whether you are in Las Vegas or not. Our Nevada Gaming License may spark some curiosity that might not have been there previously, and we are excited to see what G2E is like from a Las Vegas resident perspective. As for where we think we might catch some attention? We expect it to be in the area of growth. We’re positioned for some solid expansion and we have a lot to show at G2E Vegas this year, so visitors will probably get a sense of how far skill-influenced gaming has come and where the market opportunity is going. 

In this article:
interview las vegas synergy blue