New York Senator urges federal framework for sports betting

The lawmaker released a memo in which it is suggested that the US sets a federal regulatory framework.

US.- Senator Chuck Schumer from New York is now part of the sports betting conversation, as he released a memo in which it suggested multiple changes for the recently legalised industry. The lawmaker believes that a federal framework for sports betting will be beneficial for the country.

The memo says that leagues should provide all official data to sports books and have a say in deciding what bets are acceptable, ESPN revealed. Schumer also believes that the minimum age to place bets should be 21 in order to avoid advertising aimed at underage people, among other things.

Schumer says that the government should help create a framework that is positive for all parties: “As a New York sports fan – especially my Yankees and Giants – and a senator, my priority in the wake of the Murphy v. NCAA decision is making sure the integrity of the games we love is preserved, that young people and those suffering from gambling addiction are not taken advantage of, and that consumers that choose to engage in sports betting are appropriately protected,” Schumer said.

“With the Supreme Court’s ruling, it’s incumbent on the federal government to take a leadership role and provide the necessary guidance to prevent uncertainty and confusion for the leagues, state governments, consumers and fans alike,” he added.

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