Australia: insider points finger at Crown

A whistle-blower says the blanking buttons by Crown Casino in Victoria were not a “trial” like the company said.

Australia.- The Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (VCGLR) has had Crown Casino in Victoria in its sights after the operator blanked buttons on 17 poker machines during early 2017. Despite Crown arguing that the move was part of a “trial”, a whistle-blower who works at the casino has said that the removal was “aimed to maximise profits.”

17 poker machines out of the 2,628 in the casino are currently the target of an investigation regarding modifications to the regulated options they are supposed to offer. If true, the whistle-blower’s accusations could make things difficult for Crown, who originally denied any accusations but then admitted tampering with the machines on March 5th.

“It was not a trial; it was basically put on the floor for them to see how much they could rip people off,” he said in a statement made at MP Andrew Wilkie’s (who originally outlined the “blanking buttons) office, adding: “The machines were modified in order to maximise profits and eliminate betting options for the patrons so they were pretty much forced to play the highest bet line possible.”

“The commission is aware of the claims made in relation to the abandonment of the trial by Crown and they were considered as part of the investigation,” a VCGLR spokeswoman said.

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