Inside 1xSlots Partners strategies for affiliate success

Inside 1xSlots Partners strategies for affiliate success

1xSlots Partners discusses the subtleties of the work of the head of the affiliate department and his team.

Press release.- 1xSlots Partners has become one of the leading companies when it comes to affiliate programmes.

Thanks to its personalised management and teamwork, the company has managed to stand out and attract the interest of a large number of people interested in joining its programme.

In this article, 1xSlots Partners reveals its strategic approach to developing and managing successful affiliate partnerships and reveals the subtleties of the work of its head of affiliate and its team.

1xSlots Partners strategy development

1xSlots Partners is an affiliate program that has built up extensive market expertise since arriving on the market in 2017. Every year, the company builds a program development strategy for the year based on its short-term and long-term goals.

1xSlots Partners’ affiliate program strategy is split into two blocks:

1. Operation – in this block, the company writes its strategy for developing an internal team, areas of operation and departments, and for optimizing and increasing the number of employees in various areas, incentive systems, etc.

2. Development – brands need momentum, so 1xSlots Partners is planning to break into new markets and discover and develop new types and sources of traffic with test budgets.

Overall, people could describe the company’s strategy as having two functional features: offence and defence. This is how it maintains its existing performance in different markets and also explores new frontiers while staying ahead of the competition.

As for the different types of traffic the team works with, 1xSlots Partners is developing both classic methods (including SEO, influencer marketing and media buying) and various media promotion programs, where it is testing out some exciting new ideas.

How 1xSlots Partners work with affiliates

All 1xSlots Partners affiliates benefit from the company’s individually tailored approach. Each affiliate has a manager who is responsible for onboarding and managing business processes.

As regards new affiliates, each newly registered is assigned to a manager according to their area. These managers then get to know them, discuss 1xSlots Partners’ current offers and decide what form its partnership will take. Next, the affiliates get to work bringing in traffic.

The company tries to create a friendly atmosphere with its affiliates. However, at the end of the day, 1xSlots Partners is aware that its relationship is a professional one and that its objective as well as that of its partners is to make money.

As for 1xSlots Partners existing affiliates, they fall into four categories:

  1. 1xSlots Partners has active affiliates who it is in touch with and works with regularly.
  2. Then, there are hard-to-reach affiliates who bring in a lot of traffic.
  3. The third group includes affiliates who may not bring in much traffic but are always in touch.
  4. Finally, there are affiliates who don’t get in touch or work with the company at all. 

1xSlots Partners has a different approach for each category. The company tries to help its affiliates and provide support when necessary if it sees they have potential.

1xSlots Partners’ conference KPIs and criteria for selecting events

1xSlots Partners has recently attended iGB L!VE in Amsterdam. There, the company scheduled many meetings with partners and was able to establish valuable connections with new ones.

The scale of the conference was impressive, and both casinos and game providers, as well as various services, sparked interest. Thanks to its team’s efforts, 1xSlots Partners managed to secure important deals for brand promotion.

According to the company, events like this are a very interesting topic in the casino world. “The online casino industry is very digitized, with a lot of remote work, a lack of direct communication, and the ability to connect to processes from anywhere in the world.

“At the same time, affiliates are often reluctant to share personal information as the industry is considered a grey niche in some countries. Because of this, it’s very important to get involved in meetups where you can talk and get to know each other better,” stated 1xSlots Partners representatives.

When selecting an event the most important thing for 1xSlots Partners is its goals. Meetups tend to be held on a regional basis, so it tries to take part if it is interested in the region.

The second criterion is the participants. “We can meet with existing affiliates or plan meetings with affiliates we’re interested in and who we would like to start working with,” said the company.

The third criterion is the scale of the event. In some events, the team may attend without a stand as delegates if the format doesn’t really suit it.

On the other hand, 1xSlots Partners tries to establish a presence at large events by setting up a branded stand and handing out gifts to its affiliates.

As for the KPIs that are compiled for the team, it all depends on why the company is attending that event. “If our goal is to meet with existing affiliates, then we have the same approach and system. If our goal is to recruit and process new contacts as much as possible, then a list of affiliates brought in is compiled for each team member,” 1xSlots Partners representatives stated.

“Three months after the conference, my team and I assessed how effective our time at the event was: for example, how much traffic had been brought in by the affiliates who signed up at the conference, etc.,” 1xSlots Partners said.

The head of affiliates’ main responsibilities

1xSlots Partners’ head of affiliates’ main responsibilities are as follows:

  • Creating a six-month and yearly affiliate program development strategy.
  • Breaking down the department and compiling motivational content for employees by field.
  • Developing an onboarding strategy for new affiliates and maintaining existing ones. Creating offers for affiliates.
  • Team management: hiring employees, training, creating motivational plans and KPIs, and evaluating reports.
  • Participating in the development of company plans.
  • Participating in building a competent PR campaign for the affiliate program.
  • Participating in conferences and meetups, promoting affiliates in various sources and channels, etc.

The Head of Affiliates reports to the project CEO.

In this article:
1xSlots Partners iGB L!VE 2024