FBM donates ₱20M to fight Covid-19

“Caring is one of our main values as a brand and we take it very seriously when it comes to our people,” said Rui Francisco, founder of FBM.
Philippines.- FBM is deeply committed to the fight against COVID-19. After taking all the security measures necessary to ensure the safety of its workers, clients and stakeholders, the brand decided to take direct action in this cause against the pandemic, by donating 20 million Philippine pesos. The donation to the Philippine General Hospital, National Kidney and Transplant Institute, Lung Center of the Philippines and Research Institute for Tropical Medicine was coordinated by the PAGCOR – Philippines Amusement and Gaming Corporation and will allow these hospitals to buy medical equipment useful to help the Philippines fight the virus.
More than reacting to the effects of the virus, FBM management is working to anticipate challenges and provide quick answers to the circumstances dictated by the context. The brand is concerned with the evolution of COVID-19 and, when facing the first signs, activated hygiene and health measures to the highest level following the World Health Organization recommendations. The home office was also applied to all the professionals that can perform their role remotely.
FBM is part of the gaming industry since 2001 and is aware of its role and impact as a global gaming brand with responsibility for the well-being and safety of hundreds of families. That´s the reason why FBM´s management decided to take further actions and have an active role in the community by helping hospitals with a solid investment in equipment.
The Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation received a letter from FBM expressing the brand´s concerns about this pandemic and then coordinated the distribution of the funds to the four hospitals referred.
“Caring is one of our main values as a brand and we take it very seriously when it comes to our people, our clients and our games. We could not step aside from this cause. The Philippines means so much to FBM as a nation that we could not ignore its people when they need us the most”, mentions Rui Francisco, founder of FBM.
Rui Francisco also explains the focus of this action. “We chose the hospitals to make our impact in the community because we know that their professionals are some of the heroes in this daily battle against the virus and they must be properly equipped to take care of us”. The FBM founder continues with a message to the brand´s team: “I also had the opportunity to send a direct message to all of our workers, but I want to make a public note to recognize and thank them for the commitment and collaboration revealed in this challenging moment”.
FBM has a legacy of 19 years in the gaming industry. After conquering the leadership of the video bingo market, FBM focused its expansion campaign on Europe and Central America. The brand has now a rich portfolio of landbased and online titles that include the following game types: video bingos, spin reel games, table games and video poker.