India: 13 arrested for illegal gambling

Illegal online gambling on the rise in India despite the country being locked down as part of efforts to combat Coronavirus.

India.- An illegal gambling ring has been smashed after a surveillance drone camera revealed the location of the secret betting ring.

According to authorities, 13 individuals were found to be gambling on the roof of a building in Karnal while the country remains in lockdown due to Coronavirus.

“We have been keeping a vigil on the lockdown violators with the help of drone cameras. Besides, we are using it to combat gambling activities.

“On Wednesday evening, the city police captured the accused while gambling and arrested them,” police told local press.

The arrests mark the second time in a week that a drone was used to track down people breaking lockdown measures to gamble illegally.

Police conducted a similar raid on a gambling house in Bengaluru but many of those inside managed to escape.

In another illegal gambling raid, 10 people were arrested by Danilimda police on Wednesday.

“On Wednesday, while we were on patrol, we followed up on a tip-off and raided a house in Zaid Duplex, which also comes under cluster quarantine.

“We found ten persons sitting in a circle and gambling without maintaining social distancing.

“We seized RS47,000 [$616] from them and booked them under Prevention of Gambling Act and for violation of CrPC Section 144,” the police said.

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