Intralot addresses SCEL incident

Intralot released a statement regarding an incident regarding a game of its former client, the South Carolina Education Lottery.

US.- Greece-based company Intralot published a statement in which it addressed an incident related to a former client, the South Carolina Education Lottery.

The statement:

“In connection to the incident that affected the Holiday Cash Add-A-Play seasonal game of our former client, the South Carolina Education Lottery, INTRALOT would like to inform its clients, investors, lottery communities, and the broader public the following:

1. The Lottery Board of Commissioners announced on May 30, 2018 that unredeemed tickets that were produced and issued in error between 5:51pm and until the close of the game at 7:53pm of December 25, 2017 will be refunded for the purchase price, as required by South Carolina Code Section 59-150-230 ( C ) (3) (a).

2. During the entire period of the investigation of the incident, INTRALOT fully cooperated with the Lottery and the teams assigned by the Lottery to conduct a forensic analysis.

3. INTRALOT agrees with the decision of the Board of Commissioners issued on May 30, 2018. We are disappointed, however, with comments that appeared in the related press release issued by the Lottery about our responsibilities and the reasons behind the incident.

4. INTRALOT maintains that as a supplier of technical services to the State Lottery for the past ten years we had an excellent and fruitful relationship with SCEL in helping them efficiently and responsibly fulfil their mission.

5. In connection to the incident we maintain that we acted accordingly, within the scope of our contractual obligations, and within the framework of industry common practices. Based on all facts and analysis available to us, we reserve our own views on the root cause as to why the tickets were produced and issued in error. We will continue to refrain from public statements on the technical issues due to pending litigation.

6. INTRALOT would like to clarify that this incident was not related to any failure of our core systems, software or hardware, and that no mitigation measures need to be taken in any other present client or INTRALOT operation.”

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