Indonesia to restrict free VPNs to curb online gambling access

Online gambling is illegal in Indonesia.
Online gambling is illegal in Indonesia.

The minister of communication and information aims to prevent Indonesians from gaining access to online gambling.

Indonesia.- Budi Arie Setiadi, minister of communications and information technology, has announced plans to restrict access to free virtual private networks (VPNs) to prevent citizens from accessing online gambling. He said he has discussed the decision with Wayan Tony Supriyanto, director general of postal and informatics operations, and Hokky Situngkir, director general of informatics applications.

In other news, Stefanus Asat Gusma, general chair of the PP Catholic Youth, has expressed willingness to collaborate with the government in actions against online gambling. Asat Gusma said the Catholic youth would conduct preventive initiatives, such as outreach and education, targeting younger people, to raise awareness about the negative impacts of online gambling.

See also: Indonesian Ministry of Transportation warns officials against gambling

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illegal gambling